Thursday, March 27, 2014

Why do people watch movies? Is it the atmosphere? The release? The escape from the hardships of reality? Whatever the case may be, movies have become a significant aspect of our lives; we can no longer deny this fact. For these reasons, and many more, I have developed a hobby, more like an obsession, for watching the latest movies. I want to experience something that is beyond our comprehension. I want to disappear into fictitious worlds that brilliant people have engineered. I want to travel around the world to find a stolen artifact, or take down some big bad motha. You may be reading this an wondering, "What in the world is this kid on?" Well, I do have a point, now allow me to make it. Some of the things we see in the movies seem to be unreal. Not like a "too good to be true" sort of thing, but it just seems that items and objects from fictitious movies should also be fictitious. I remember watching the Harry Potter movies, and whenever Harry got on the train that took him to Hogwarts, I would always think, "Wow, that is a cool looking train. Too bad they aren't really like that." As it turns out, the train that I took today was exactly like that. Like I said yesterday, I am now in Prague, and we took a train to get here, contrary to my earlier belief of taking a bus. However, this was more of a private, fancier train. I was assigned a cart number, a booth number, and a seat number. I was in the first cart, in the sixth booth, and in seat 55. Of course, I got the middle seat, squished between an old man who stank of coffee and a woman who messed with her Iphone the whole way. I found out later that that train even had wifi. The train ride, itself, was a bit of snooze. Literally, I had to have slept for most of it. As for when I was awake, the weird girl, sitting across from me, kept staring at me and, I am pretty sure, took pictures of me. I mean, when you use your phone, do you purposefully point the camera of your phone right at someone? Well, my mother does just to annoy me, but I didn't think there were many others with her twisted sense of humor. This seemed more creepy than humorous though. Point being, mother stop doing that from now on! Anyway, after the train arrived in Prague, we departed for our hostel. Now, after staying in the Mosaic House last time we were in Prague, I have to say that this hostel is a bit of a let down. I understand cheap is what we are going for, but this is borderline ghetto. The hostel, itself, is located within a collection of other buildings, wifi only works on the first level, and the rooms are small and cramped. We went for a small tour of Prague today, but I went out with a small group after that. It is groups like that that help to really see the finer sides of the city. A guided tour is good, but it doesn't allow you to stop and admire, or take it all in. You are always on the go, no time to stop, no time to even process it all. After the tour, our group went and had bagels, which was a first for me, then I had an orange, which was also a first. After the food, we hiked up the hill to see the view of Prague, once again. I know I did this the last time, but one does not simply see that view too many times. That view is another one of those things that you think can only be found in the movies. Such beauty, one would think, does not belong in a world filled with the flawed human race. How do we deserve such beauty when we, ourselves are so flawed? I guess, if that is not proof that there is a kind, benevolent God out there, then I don't know what will. I do have pictures to post, as promised, so I hope you will enjoy. I am still on the lookout for the right souvenirs to bring home. As of yet, I am having a hard time finding anything, really. Everything in Prague is super expensive, especially from the street shops. Hopefully, I will have some luck soon. May God smile upon you. "May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor!"

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