Thursday, March 20, 2014

From here on out, you might experience withdrawals from not being able to read my blog every day. As you have probably noticed, I have skipped a day, here and there, due to either a hectic schedule, or a rather non-eventful day. When I do pick up the pen (in this case, the computer), I will try to incorporate the days that I have missed. I know, it may be hard to adapt at first, but I am sure that you, as my competent readers, will adjust soon enough because, you know, my blogs are just so interesting! I think that may have been the funniest thing I have said on this entire trip! Anyhow, life in Olomouc is certainly an interesting one, and everyday is different from the next. While, for me, spontaneity is a good thing, I do believe organization and structure might be useful at times. For example, we didn't get our class schedules until today, and yes, that means we had to cancel classes yesterday because everyone had dispersed, and there was no rallying them up. It is insane how they just expect everything of us. They need to understand that we are completely out of our element here; we know nothing! Other than that, nothing that can compare to my cave trip has occurred. Yesterday, I sat in on a lecture about the lost music of the holocaust. The presenter focused on the music that the living prisoners had produced, rather than the music that only became their legacy. Apparently, several well known composers were sent to concentration camps and, later, gassed. Some of their work has been preserved, but much is still lost. After that lecture, we were free to do whatever we wanted. Naturally, that meant that I tag along with some people for an afternoon of shopping. However, there just doesn't seem to be any men's apparel that catches my eye. Either it is too expensive, or it is too flamboyant. After the shopping session had concluded, I returned to the room for some basic bread, meat, and cheese, and I decided to settle in for the night. The others went out to a Finnish party, but, with that not starting until 11p.m., I wasn't about to dare my luck with that. I figured I would sit that one out. Today, I attended a lecture in the morning, and took a guided tour of Olomouc afterward. I was under the impression that it would be a general tour of Olomouc, like where the shops, restaurants, and theaters were located. Instead, we got a historical tour, from the perspective of a man who saw some of this country's most significant transformations. Our guide had become involved in a war he wished no part of, and his life was far from ideal. He told us of his life during the second world war, and how it impacted, not only himself, but his friends and family. It was all quite fascinating and, after the tour, we had to report directly to our first class. Up first was our Czech Language class, and from this first class alone, I already know I am in for one hell of a ride. I mean, seriously, today was merely about the introduction, and I just felt like my head imploded upon itself. After that, we listened in on a lecture about the history, government, and political system of the Czech Republic. The problem with the Czech people is that they are always on the go. That being said, they take this "go-go-go" attitude and apply it to other aspects of their lives, in this case, their teaching methods. I was writing so fast, trying to keep up, that I felt like my hand might shrivel up and die. I still didn't write it all, despite my hand's sacrifice. Sorry hand. After class, I took the tram back to my room to finish my work. I must make a few comments. The Czech people are strange creatures for a number of reasons. First, they have so many churches in their cities, but they all, for the most part, lie empty. They are a largely atheist people, yet Catholic figures stand upright throughout the city. They are rude around their fellow Czech peers, not just Americans. Czech people are just a grumpy sort, and it will, definitely, take some getting used to. I took some pictures of the few churches that we did visit today, but the lighting was bad, I had to turn off the flash, and we were in a hurry, so I apologize in advance about the crappy quality of the pictures. Please enjoy and read at your own discretion. My content may not be suitable for those under age. Ha! Now that may have been the funniest thing I have said yet. Never mind. Enjoy however much of the day you have left. After all, it is, like, nine at night here. "May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favor!"

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