Friday, March 21, 2014

I toyed with the idea of not posting today, but then I thought of you, my fans, and I just had to push myself to do it (really, I had nothing better to do). Day after day, I have noticed strange (what is strange to us) behavior exhibited by the natives here. First and foremost, I have to say I am outright disgusted by the PDAs. The background information warned us that these people were an almost melancholy people who kept to themselves and never ventured further than the outskirts of their personal bubble. However, I estimate that I have seen about four couples a day making out in public places. These places vary from the bars, to the trams, to the park benches on the streets, to the actual parks, and many other miscellaneous places. Also, the "displays" range from just kissing to full boar groping. It can only be comparable to "walrus's fighting over a grape," as quoted in Iron Man 2. It is becoming a norm, a disturbing norm. I may have mentioned it already, but it bears repeating. On my flight over from Paris, I sat next to a couple who were making out. I mean, come on! Another observation I have made, and I am sure I have also already mentioned, is that the dogs are all well trained. Very few owners even have to use leashes. Some dogs seem to be a bit feisty, and, for those, they have muzzles.
Today, I tried McDonald s for the first time in Europe. I will be honest, most people condemned my culinary decision, but I had to put my mind at ease and officially try it. Of course, it is way better here than back in the states. Everything is made fresh, the burgers are actually hot, and they are of actual beef, not just that processed garbage we find thrown in front of us back in the states. Not only that, but they give out a free glass with every purchase. Strange, I know, but whatever.
I am beginning to learn the language, and thank goodness for that because I am getting tired of having to engage in a mental, strenuous battle every time I want to ask a simple question. I have run into a few individuals here who speak sufficient English, but it still leaves me tired at the end. Other than that, I have little else to report. Classes are, well, classes. Just try taking 2.5 hours of Czech language all in one sitting. I have never wanted to slit my own wrists as badly as I did then. I could have just continuously banged my head against the desk, but that would have disrupted the class, heaven forbid. I will leave you with the bit of knowledge that I have imparted upon you for the day. Sorry it isn't more, and sorry, I don't have any pictures to post, but next week, we return to Prague for more fun and games, so expect an explosion of activity during that time. May you all be looked upon with favor. "May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favor!"

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