Friday, May 23, 2014

I can't believe this blogging assignment has, already, come full circle. What started out as, merely, an assignment has turned into a method to help maintain connection with my friends and family back home, and it has become a way to keep everything sorted and under control. Today is my last post for a legitimate reason, but I do hope that something else comes up that requires me to write about my experience. Today, we did nothing! Literally, we drove all day, for five hours. So, you may be asking why I even bother? Well, since I promised I would write yesterday, and the fact that I couldn't end on the note that I did yesterday, I figured that I had to write, at least one more time. It is, at the very least, 80 degrees outside, and being in a bus with little air circulation is far from ideal. We are all tired, snippy, and sluggish. Most of the group is leaving tomorrow morning, and I, honestly, think they are all crazy for doing so. After this little excursion in Bohemia, they want to go back out and do more right away. I understand they want to get the most out of this trip, but it isn't worth running ragged to do so. After the past few days, I am ready to sleep a fortnight away. I heard quite a few people say that the rafting adventure caused them to be sore today. I feel completely, genuinely fine. I am not sore in the least, and I did the majority of the rowing in our raft. Everyone else wanted to just float down the river with no intention of propelling themselves forward. I, on the other hand, was not too fond of that idea. I am not one for sitting in the scorching sun for hours and hours, which we ended up doing, anyway. Thus, I was continuously rowing our raft of six people all along the river. What I, also, find to be funny is that everyone else lathered in sunscreen, and most of them received a heavy dosage of Ultra-violet radiation. However, I used none whatsoever, which I know was stupid, but I had none on me, and no one else was offering. I am not burned in the slightest either. I came out of it completely healthy and fine, and most others are still battling some sort of hardship. Last night, before I turned in for the night, the entire group ate at the restaurant that was under the hostel (the hostel and restaurant were connected). The experience, in itself, embodied the reason why I hate going anywhere with the entire group. First of all, from the time I placed my order to the time I got my food, an hour and a half had passed. Second, the food was terrible. I was doing my best not to leave the waiter a nasty tip, if you get my meaning. I, finally, just got up and left, as soon as I was finished eating. The service and the place, itself, just upset me greatly. I am thankful that the University covered that meal, because that would have been the worst meal, by far, that I had ever paid for. As we traveled in our boxed bus, I tried my best to stay awake and observe the surroundings. We passed fields of grass, crowded cities under construction (so that took forever), horrible drivers (They are everywhere!), and wide, open fields of yellow flowers and other shrubbery. I am counting down the days until I get home, and I am ready for it. While this trip has been a good experience, I am ready for my home and my family. Sorry to cut this short, but I am going to run to the store and pick up some things for the next week. Take care, and see you soon! "May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor!"

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